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"Safety when travelling" by Tomas.

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"Safety when travelling" by Tomas. Empty "Safety when travelling" by Tomas.

Post by TmiBj Sat May 02, 2015 3:00 am

Safety When Travelling.

I will talk you about some things you must take care before a trip, and of course things you must pay attention in this adventures.
You must take care of robbers, so if i where in your place, i will never talk to stranges abaut my trip, the most of the robberys happends when people leave their own house alone because of travels or something else, before you leave to the airport or the route, make sure every door and window are closed, talk with your neighbors of trust so they can contact you in any emergency. If your family use some kind of domestic service, be sure to check the references of the people that work on it.

If you are gonna travel in desertics routes be sure of do it in a safe hour, route pirates are really common now a days, try to travel with someone else so that way you will no stay sleep driving.
Airports, Bus Stations, Train Stations, etc.:
Do not leave your or yours family baggage, this way you will avoid robs and you will not loss the baggage. Make no favors of transport things for strange people, that objetc could be contraband. You must never show money in public, and you must never trade it in ilegals spots, only banks and exchanges houses.
When you arrived to your desntiny, be sure of not take cabs with no license plate or with black windows, and always remember that if you are not wearing expensive jewelry robbers will not have your attention.

Back at Home:
Talk to neighboars so they can now you are back, ask if they saw any suspect. If you see any door or window open call 911 before you enter to the house.


Mensajes : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2015-05-01

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